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Celebrating African-American Excellence

Shattering Stereotypes and

Amplifying Success Stories

OMG! I Love This Magazine!


This Is Us!

Incredible people, doing incredible things!
Our Community, Our  Stories!



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Articles for you from our previous Fashion Magazine

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Meet The Publisher / CEO
Dr. Alicia Cain

Our Mission

To be the premier destination for uplifting, nuanced narratives that highlight African American success stories, shatter prevailing stereotypes, and give credit where credit is due.

To provide an engaging media platform that recognizes barrier-breaking professionals, cultural icons, academic pioneers and community leaders across the African American community through inspiring interviews, spotlights, and more.

Our Goal

To reshape dominant narratives in media and disrupt homogenous depictions of Black stories by sharing empowering, multifaceted content that sparks meaningful conversations and shifts perspectives.

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The Empeccable Magazine Archive: Volumes 1-13

You can read the complete issue of any magazine you may have missed.

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